Standard Input and Output Devices for Unified ATC PLC Program

The following inputs and outputs are defined in many of the Unified ATC PLC programs. The default I/O addresses (input and output numbers) given in the tables below are for the Oak version (oak-unified-cwp4.src).

Some optional systems, such as a hydraulic pump, door interlock, dual-coil drawbar soleonoid, and conveyor and auger systems are not fully supported. The I/O assignments are given as a starting point, but PLC code will need to be added or revised.

As a starting point in planning your project, check which of the listed items are and are not present on your machine. Also note any devices that are present on your machine, but are not in the list below.

Note that some machines may have devices similar to those listed, but with non-standard functions. For example, Fadal VMCs have a spindle-in-orient-position sensor, which we usually wire in as "OrientComplete", but which simply reports that the spindle is rotated to the orient position (i.e. the sensor closes once per spindle revolution, regardless of whether the orient cam is advanced). Such machines always require specialized PLC logic.

Common Machine Functions

Present?NameDefault I/OFunction
Ax1_MinusLimitOkINP1Limit switch: closed = okay
Ax1_PlusLimitOkINP2Limit switch: closed = okay
Ax2_MinusLimitOkINP3Limit switch: closed = okay
Ax2_PlusLimitOkINP4Limit switch: closed = okay
Ax3_MinusLimitOkINP5Limit switch: closed = okay
Ax3_PlusLimitOkINP6Limit switch: closed = okay
LubeOkINP9Lube level: closed = okay, open = Lube low or fault
SpindleInverterOkINP10Spindle drive status: closed = Inverter okay, open = Inverter fault
EStopOkINP11Emergency stop button: closed = okay, open = E-Stop pressed
SpindleZeroSpeedINP12Signal from spindle drive: closed = zero speed, open = running
SpinLowRangeINP13closed = spindle in low range
SpinMidRangeINP14closed = spindle in mid range
SpinHighRangeINP15closed = spindle in high range
NoFaultOutOUT1Emergency stop coil circuit: on if no fault or E-stop condition
LubeOUT2Power the way lube pump
FloodOUT3Run flood coolant
MistOUT4Run mist coolant
InverterResetOutOUT5Reset spindle drive faults
WorkLightOutOUT6Turn on work light
SpindleEnableOutOUT7Tun spindle, either direction
SpindleDirectionOutOUT8 (SPDT)Run spindle in reverse (M4, CCW)
ZBrakeReleaseOUT9 (SPDT)Release Z servo holding brake (on when Z axis is enabled)
CoolingFanOutOUT19Run spindle motor cooling fan

Common ATC Functions

Present?NameDefault I/OFunction
OrientCompleteINP17Signal from VFD: closed = spindle is oriented
AirPressureOkINP18closed = pressure okay, open = pressure low
ToolClampedINP21Drawbar switch: tool is clamped
ToolUnclampedINP22Drawbar switch: tool is unclamped
ToolEjectButtonINP23Button on head: closed = button pressed
ToolCounter*INP24Carousel counter: closed = in position, open = between positions
OrientRequestOutOUT17Send orient request to VFD
ToolUnclampSolOUT22Unclamp the drawbar
AirBlowSolOUT26Blow air through spindle, to clear chips from taper
CarouselMotorEnableOutOUT23Run carousel motor, in either direction
CarouselMotorDirOutOUT24Run carousel motor in reverse (tool positions counting down)
ToolClampSolOUT43Clamp the drawbar (optional)

* The ToolCounter input often needs to be inverted, depending on sensor installation

Functions Specific to Umbrella ATC

Present?NameDefault I/OFunction
CarRetracted_PotUpINP31Carousel is retracted out of the way
CarAdvanced_PotDownINP32Carousel is advanced under spindle
CarRetract_PotUpSolOUT29Move carousel out of the way
CarAdvance_PotDownSolOUT30Move carousel under spindle

Functions Specific to Swing-Arm ATC

Present?NameDefault I/OFunction
ArmAtStopInput*INP25Changer arm is at a stopping place
ArmAtHomeInput*INP26Changer arm is in parked/home position
ArmAtClampInput*INP27Changer arm is in tool-gripping position
CarRetracted_PotUpINP31Tool pot is swung up
CarAdvanced_PotDownINP32Tool pot is swung down
ArmMotorFwdOUT28Drive changer arm forward
ArmMotorRevOUT36Drive changer arm reverse (optional)
CarRetract_PotUpSolOUT29Swing tool pot up
CarAdvance_PotDownSolOUT30Swing tool pot down

* The arm-position inputs often need to be inverted, depending on sensor installation

Optional Accessory Systems

Present?NameDefault I/OFunction
RotaryTableHomeINP7Home switch: closed = not at home, open = at home
ClampOUT21Clamp (or unclamp) the rotary table.
Reverse action with P178 bit 8
HydraulicOkINP33closed = hydraulic pump overload not tripped
DoorClosedINP8Door switch: closed = Door is closed, open = Door is open
DoorLockedINP16Door switch: closed = Door is locked
DoorUnlockOutOUT20Unlock enclosure door, allowing it to be opened
ChillerOkINP19Spindle chiller is running
SpindleChillerOutOUT18Run spindle chiller
RedLightOutOUT25Stack lights: red light on
GreenLightOutOUT31Stack lights: green light on
AmberLightOutOUT32Stack lights: amber light on
ChipPumpOUT27Run washdown pump
CTSPumpOUT34Run CTS coolant pump
ChipConveyorOUT35Run conveyor
Auger1EnableOUT39Run first auger
Auger1DirOUT40 (SPDT)Run first auger in reverse
Auger2DirOUT41 (SPDT)Run second auger in reverse
Auger2EnableOUT42Run second auger
HydraulicOUT33Run hydraulic pump